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The Vision

Our vision for Falkirk Gateway is that the site will be a vibrant, mixed use quarter where the existing and new communities of Falkirk can live, shop and relax. This will involve the following:

A mix of uses to encourage active lifestyles and attract investment.

Strengthening Falkirk’s tourism, leisure and cultural offer.


Delivery of new homes that complements the existing community in the Bog housing estate.

The introduction of new uses which complement one another and the wider offer of the town.

Achieving permeability between the site, town and the green network by foot and by cycle.

Reflecting and contributing to planned infrastructure commitments in the area.

Our objective is to create an enduring, thriving and popular urban destination and community through a cohesive design which is integrated with the flourishing Helix and Falkirk Greenspace networks.

A mix of uses that complements Falkirk’s existing offer

We propose a mix of uses that will contribute toward achieving a 20-minute neighbourhood for new and existing residents in this part of Falkirk. These uses will complement those on offer elsewhere in Falkirk, including the Town Centre, and meet the needs of visitors to the area without impacting on the vitality of the Town Centre.

A development that realises the economic potential of the site

The proposed development will achieve a wide range of economic benefits, both during construction and beyond. These will include permanent and temporary job creation and business rate and council tax revenue for Falkirk Council.

A sustainable and energy efficient development

We aim to create a net zero development that encourages active lifestyles and allows people to make sustainable choices.

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